Texas Healthy at Home Classes

Tai Chi for Health and Balance

Tai chi is a low-impact exercise that works well for older adults because it is performed in slow, fluid movements, which puts minimal stress on bones and joints. It strengthens and mobilizes joints and muscles, improving physical fitness and mental relaxation. Tai chi can be done seated or standing, which allows people to participate at their own ability level. Tai chi has been shown to prevent falls by improving balance, increasing leg strength, reducing fear of falling, improving mobility, increasing flexibility, and improving psychological health.

About the class

Classes meet for one hour twice a week, for 10 weeks, learning a sequence of 12 tai chi “forms.” Trained instructors use a special teaching method, which breaks the movements down into small, simple steps. The program uses gentle sun-style tai chi routines that are safe, easy to learn, and suitable for every fitness level. It combines agile steps, joint-safe exercise and mental strength to improve mobility, breathing and relaxation in ways that help you feel greater control over your daily life. Tai Chi for Health and Balance was developed by Dr. Paul Lam for the Arthritis Foundation.  

Benefits of the class

Tai chi has been linked to: 

  • Decreased pain 
  • Improved movement 
  • Reduced falls/improved balance 
  • Improved ability to perform tasks
  • Improved strength/flexibility  

This class helps your muscles become stronger, which improves balance and coordination. As you gain confidence with improved strength and balance, your fear of falling is reduced.  

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