Welcome to Texas Healthy at Home

Texas Healthy at Home bridges the divide between health care and social services.  

Through our network of community-based non-profits, we enable health entities to lower healthcare costs and increase health plan member retention by helping older diverse plan members improve health and better control chronic disease.  

This enables older Texans to maintain their independence at home, reduce hospitalizations and delay nursing home placement.  

Texas Healthy at Home provides  

  • “One-stop” access to multiple community-based services  
  • Evidence-based and –informed classes for health plan members 
    • Available statewide (in-person/remotely) 
    • Reliable and consistent with fidelity across Texas 
    • Award-winning statewide class registration and reporting system  
  • Training for health sector entities to identify, refer and better serve clients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) Ability to target services to address health disparities 

If you are interested in contracting with Texas Healthy at Home for services for your clients and patients, contact Texas Healthy at Home CEO Christina Bartha at c.bartha@texashealthyathome.org .