Texas Healthy at Home Classes
Enhance®Fitness is an evidence-based exercise and falls prevention program proven to help older adults at all fitness levels become more active, energized and empowered to sustain independent lives.
About the class
Each Enhance®Fitness class session focuses on four key areas important to the well-being and function of participants: low-impact cardiovascular exercise, balance, strength training, and flexibility. Classes meet three times a week for an hour each session.
Benefits of the class
- Improved upper and lower body muscle strength and function
- Decreased depression
- Reduced risk of falls and fall injury
- Opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances
- Promotes a physically active lifestyle
- Medical care cost savings
- Fewer unplanned hospitalizations
- Decreased mortality rates
Who should take the class
This class is for older adults and those aging with disability, from the frail to the fit. Participants may sit or stand. Instructors are trained in how to modify the exercises to suit the varying abilities of participants.
All Texas Healthy at Home Classes
Prevent Falls Classes
Caregiving Classes
Live Well Classes